Top 5 Flutter packages for every project

Lukas Garcia
2 min readNov 29, 2020

Flutter succeeded to create a really great community that published many packages. When there are a lot of packages available out there, there is a high change to find very useful ones. However, with that many packages there is also a challenge to select really needed ones for your project, without trying each of them.

In this article I will share 5 Flutter packages I now use on every new Flutter project I start.

1. flutter_bloc

For UI apps it is always a challenge to separate presentation and business logic. This package address that in a very practical way. Makes code easy to understand and testable.

2. http

Building an app without server communication is something that rarely happens. The app usually needs to communicate with some API, probably over HTTP. For that need, I find this http package to be reliable.

3. animations

This package provides commonly used animations. You can also customize them with a little bit of code. I keep in mind what this package offers whenever I discuss UI options with our designers.

4. intl_utils

In my experience every successful app ends up with localization to more than one end-user language. So it pays off to early prepare your app for localization anyway. intl_utils package makes it very easy to do, and provides useful autocomplete for string keys.

5. shared_preferences

We always need to store some simple data in the app. This package wraps up different interfaces from Android, iOS and Web into one interface. Just be aware there is no guarantee that writes will be persisted to disk, as stated in its documentation.

This is my top 5 list. Would like to hear your choices in the comments.

